Monday, December 5, 2011

Christmas Hit is out!

Christmas is a time of giving. It is also a time for party, a time for fun, holiday, and family reunion. Wish you merry Christmas and have fun with this game!

"Christmas Hit" is my new game. Check it out on Android market.

Hit the lights! ;-)


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sunday, May 29, 2011

JExpenses on Market

Check this out..

Very simple application which i've made for myself and decided to share it with the world :-) I find it useful, and hope you will too..

Friday, March 25, 2011

Android force locale and orientation problem

In my attemps to force locale in my application, i've faced an orientation problem.
Forcing locale worked, but when the orientation was changed, language would go back to default.
I spent some time resolving this issue, so I've decided to share my solution.

They way to force locale in your application is to extend Application.
You create a class that extends Application class and set it up for use in AndroidManifest.xml

The code i used in my application is this:

public class MyApplication extends Application
    public static final String FORCE_LOCAL = "force_local";
    public static final String FORCE_CURRENCY = "force_currency";
  public void onCreate()

  public static void updateLanguage(Context ctx, String lang)
    Configuration cfg = new Configuration();
    SharedPreferences force_pref = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(ctx);
    String language = force_pref.getString(FORCE_LOCAL, "");
        cfg.locale = Locale.getDefault();

        SharedPreferences.Editor edit = force_pref.edit();
        String tmp="";
        tmp=Locale.getDefault().toString().substring(0, 2);
        edit.putString(FORCE_LOCAL, tmp);
    }else if(lang!=null){
        cfg.locale = new Locale(lang);
        SharedPreferences.Editor edit = force_pref.edit();
        edit.putString(FORCE_LOCAL, lang);
    }else if(!TextUtils.isEmpty(language)){
      cfg.locale = new Locale(language);
    ctx.getResources().updateConfiguration(cfg, null);
  public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig)
        SharedPreferences force_pref = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getBaseContext().getApplicationContext());

      String language = force_pref.getString(FORCE_LOCAL, "");    

In the AndroidManifest.xml you should add the following attribute:

<application android:name="janalysis.pocetni.MyApplication" ...

Using onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) function where updateLanguage(this,language); is called solves the orientation problem.

onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) is called every time orientation changes from Portrait to Landscape or the other way around.

To change locale from your application you use
MyApplication.updateLanguage(getApplicationContext(), "en");

You use the string of a language you want to force instead of „en“,
for exaple „de“ for German, „fr“ for French, „hr“ for Croatioan..

After using this piece of code in your application only activities loaded after the change has been made will be translated into new language.
Activities that are already open will be displayed with the old language.

The way I solved it is restarting application after updating language. Restarting can be done using PackageManager, like this:

Intent i = getBaseContext()


It would be nice to let the user know application will/needs to restart. You can use, for example, an AlertDialog.. it's up to you.

After installing and first run, you app will be set up to a locale used on the phone. If yout app does not support phone's local it will use the default one.

After changing the locale within the app itself, that locale will be saved, and app will use it until you change it again within the app itself.

That means that after you've set up you locale in the app, if you change phone's locale, app will still keep it's locale.

You can test your application's behaviour on a device using free apps for forcing locales. These can be found on Market: 'More Locale 2' or 'LocaleSwitch' for example..

Hope this helps ;-)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Android using R.string resource in TextView and ArrayList

Here are few examples of getting R.string resource in code of your application.
It all comes down to using getText() and getString() functions when needed.

Example 1
If you have an array list like this:
      private List<String> categories = new ArrayList<String>();
and you want to add a string from strings.xml to that list.

Let's say string is saved in strings.xml like this:
            <string name="first_category">The first category</string>

To add this string from strings.xml to categories list you need to use getString() function.
It goes like this:
If you try this without getString() function Eclipse will show an error.

Example 2
If you have a TextView like this:
      private TextView txtViewExample;
and you want to set its text to a string from string.xml.

The string you want to add is saved in strings.xml like this:
            <string name="stringExample">String Example</string>

If you try code like this:
TextView will show the correct text.

But, if you have a similar situation that needs you to add a text from strings.xml plus a string from a variable you might get into trouble.

Let's say you have a string variable:
      private String tempString="XX";
and you want txtViewExample to show text like this:
         String Example XX

If you try something like this:
txtViewExample.setText(R.string.stringExample + " " + tempString);

txtViewExample will show something like this:
         2131034177 XX
As you can see instead of text from strings.xml  --> stringExample
a number od R.string.stringExample resource is shown.

To do things right you need to use getText() function:

txtViewExample.setText(getText(R.string.stringExample) + " " + tempString);

Then you will get the right text displayed.

Hope this helps! ;-)